Useful phone numbers

Useful telephone numbers for tourism, transport, infrastructure and health care.

Useful telephone numbers


Useful phone numbers

Isle of  Harris

Tourist Information Tarbert 01859 502011  Now offered by Essence of Harris
Caledonian MacBrayne Tarbert 01859 502444
Police Station Tarbert 01859 502002
Guided Tours and Taxi 01851 830433

Isle of Lewis

Tourist information office Stornoway 01851 703 088
Stornoway Airport  01851 702 256
Caledonian MacBrayne Stornoway 01851 702 361
Bus Station South Beach St. Stornoway 01851 704 327
Police Station Church St. Stornoway 01851 702 222
Hospital Macaulay Rd. Stornoway  01851 704704
Council Offices Sandwick Rd. Stornoway 01851 703773